Tuesday, March 26, 2013

As the time changes so do our lives

I've been slacking on blogging lately!  Oh wait I've been slacking on life lately.  One of my main goals this year was to say "no" to many things so I can focus more on my family.  The reason for this spun from work because with being a coach and an Art teacher I have many requirements for my job that happen outside of school time.  For example swim meets or art competitions.  When those occur it takes away time from my family and the daily things that I need to take care of.  I am one of those people that has a hard time sitting still and relaxing and I have an addiction to keeping my schedule jam packed and always on the go.  I've learned very quickly once Codi was born that I can not do that anymore.  My husband works long hours and so I'm juggling carpooling, trying to get to work on time, making dinner, getting bags together everyday, cloth diapering, keeping my house somewhat clean, pets!, gym time, and just your everyday errands.  I'm pooped!  I want to go to bible study, I want to go to book club, girls nights out, baby showers, etc, but I don't have the time or energy anymore.  So for those that I'm used to seeing often I'm sorry for the disappearance.  I'm in the season of my life where 3 little ones have taken over and need me more than ever.  If I'm not refereeing two boys, I'm attending to a new mobile child who wants her momma in sight at all times. 

Happy Changes:
-my boys are really starting to love to play together and love to give each other hugs and kisses and tell each other "I love you" (melts this mommas heart)
-Summer is quickly approaching - with a fun vacation planned with the Schneider family
-Nick's job is doing great with some major changes happening this summer
-Having a maid bi-weekly (really helps)
-I've been working out 4-5 times a week for almost 3 months now and I've gone from a size 10-12 to a size 6!  Super excited

Scary but Exciting Changes:
-Codi is army crawling so she is into everything
-Caden is willing and trying to potty train

Stressful Changes:
-Having a hard time getting 3 kids ready in the morning and making it to work on time
-Finding energy and patience - its running real thin lately.....Teach 150+ kids daily, my own kids, my husband, and 2 dogs - I need some "me" time
-Since our dog Max passed, our other dog Missie is having a hard time.  She wants to be inside all the time and trys to dig out of the backyard daily.  She cries at the window so we let her in.  She has always been an outside dog, but we are slowly letting her in occasionally.  Hard adjustment for me!

Not so happy Changes:
-Refereeing two little boys when they don't want to share.  Caden bites, Connor hits - makes for a not so happy momma
-Caden's melt downs when he doesn't get his way
-Straightner and BlowDryer both sparking and going out within one week of each other!
-no more "me" time (not even to read a book)

The list could go on, but I guess what I am trying to say is I love my life but I'm going through a lot of emotions right now and trying to figure out routines and schedules that work best for my family.  Everything I do, I do for my these guys and my hubby!

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